ANG Repair Building 360

Portland, Oregon

Renovation to 11,000 SF of an existing 1985 precast concrete and steel structure building to accommodate the personnel and operations of the 125th Special Tactics Squadron. As a sub-consultant to AECOM, AKS participated in an initial field investigation to document existing conditions and an on-site charrette to develop alternative concept layouts for the interior renovations and scope of other project elements as a part of the ANG A-1 Project Book. As a part of the A-2 Project Book, concepts were further refined with ultimately one concept selected by the ANG to be developed into B-1, B-2, and B-3 construction documents. Interior renovations to meet the 125th Special Tactics Squadron AFE Parachute Packing program include, office space, break room, heritage room, parachute packing space with 14’ ceilings for parachute inspections, cargo parachute packing, and secure conference room. Other facility repairs include upgrades to the existing mechanical and electrical systems in the renovated spaces, complete replacement of the existing metal roof, and exterior painting to match the Base Standard color scheme.

B360 Concept.jpg